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"Société de Psychothérapie Inspiration
Analytique Liban"

At SPIAL, we are committed to spirited learning, growth and professional development. We empower our students to ask insightful questions, explore disciplinary boundaries, and confront conventional ways of thinking. We invite you to learn more about YOUR BUSINESS NAME and discover an education built for you.

Image by Toa Heftiba

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind" - William James


Learn about the courses

I implement effective psychotherapy methods to instill self-understanding among patients and encourage them to adopt new attitudes and feelings towards life situations. It is essential to keep in mind that therapy is not a magic pill or a quick fix: therapy is a healing process that necessitates participation and investment from the patient and caretaker alike. But in the end, making small changes to self-defeating behavior and coping with feelings of sadness, fear, and pain can bring life-altering results.

Couples Therapy

Our curriculum



My name is Dr. Jeanette Abou Nasr Daccache

Jeannette Abou Nasr Daccache is a Lebanese psychoanalyst and university professor known for her work in psychoanalysis and psychology. She completed her training in Paris, became a member of the European Foundation for Psychoanalysis, and taught at various universities in Lebanon and France. Jeannette has conducted research on topics like suicide, fantasy, incest, and the interpretation of psychic bisexuality. Her notable contributions challenge Freudian theses, focusing on identity, sexual perversion, and eating disorders. She practices as a psychoanalyst in Lebanon, specializing in patients with eating disorders. Jeannette emphasizes the harmony between feminine and masculine aspects, introducing the concept of the psychic envelope as a defense mechanism. Her work aims to promote psychoanalysis globally and contribute to its understanding in Lebanon.

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Kitab 17 Jan 2013 - Dr Janette Daccache

Kitab 17 Jan 2013 - Dr Janette Daccache

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Family - 27/10/2020 - جانيت دكّاش - الشعور بالذنب المكتسب

Family - 27/10/2020 - جانيت دكّاش - الشعور بالذنب المكتسب

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Kitab - Stella Baruk - Patrick Deville - Dr. Jeannette Daccache

Kitab - Stella Baruk - Patrick Deville - Dr. Jeannette Daccache

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Lebanon, Beirut


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